Wednesday, May 26, 2010

So it has been quite some time since I posted, because now I have twins that are almost 9 months old! They are so crazy Romain is crawling and teething and now pulling himself up on furnature! Cydahlee is just happy rolling around and she gets the diaper rash from Romains teething! Talyah is such a big help and does so much for me and is an amazing big sister. Kyrah is in hog heaven getting to help play mommy she just loves the babies and helping do everything. Gavin has had a bit of a struggle but is now doing better since the babies are more interactive, he can make them laugh like no other! Rocky is so in love with them he is for sure a changed man. I am a little overwhelmed but love my life, there is for sure never a dull moment! We are getting ready to go to Montana to my sisters for the weekend for Susans baptism, lots of family will be there and I can't wait to see them should be a good time, I will post pictures when I get back!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

I have never felt THIS way before!

My tummy just aches all of the time and eating is just something I am entirely not interested in at all. I am now 9 weeks pregnant and I hate this part, food is not my best friend right now but if I don't eat then the toilet becomes my best friend. Other than this strange symptom I am never sleeping which leads me to believe that I am in for a doozy with this baby!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

No Internet or TV

So my internet got shut off lastnight and now my cable is shut off, arg! My husband wants to get new internet service and we are also going to get new recievers for our cable, but all will not be done until the end of this month. At least I have access to the internet at work! Pray that I can survive this month :(

Welcome to my mess!

Well this is really my first time blogging, someone I know in church talks about it a whole lot so I thought I would give it a try.